Planning to study in Japan?
But not sure where to start? We’re here to help!
Study in Japan Singapore
Check out our sister portal that has information on undergraduate, graduate, and student exchange programmes in Japan. There is also information on the cost of living in Japan, and available scholarships, such as the MEXT Scholarship & Singapore Government Scholarships to Japan.
What else do we provide?
Pre-Departure Meeting
We organize a virtual meeting for new students coming to Japan each semester, briefing you on the necessary information you need to know! It’s also a session where you can get to know fellow full-time students and exchange students coming over.
We host sessions twice a year. Do keep an eye out for the next session by subscribing to our newsletter, and/or following our Instagram, Facebook, and Telegram!
SSAJ Senpai-Kouhai
We pair new incoming students ('kouhais') with existing students in Japan ('senpais') , who serve as a familiar point of contact, a great source of information, and a potential new friend! Students are grouped based on their interests as well.
Like the Pre-Departure Meeting, Senpai-Kouhai sessions are held twice a year. Keep an eye out for upcoming sessions!
Student's Guide to Japan
Presenting the 4th Edition of the Student's Guide to Japan, formerly known as "The Unofficial Guide to Studying in Japan". This guide will introduce you all the quirks and intricacies of living in Japan. From the visa application process to figuring out how to throw trash in Japan, it's the one-stop reference for everything you need to know to make sure you don't paiseh and commit that cultural faux-pas when living in Japan.